How to Use Installed Plugins
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- Choose plugins on "Admin" -> "Plugins"
Standard Installed Plugins
for Editing
edit_users.rb? (misc/plugin/edit_users.rb)
quote_page.rb (misc/plugin/quote_page.rb)
Quotes from other page.
attach.rb (some files are included in the directory "misc/plugin/attach/")
Attaches any files on a page.
entityref.rb? (misc/plugin/entityref.rb)
Allows to use entity references.
highlight.rb? (misc/plugin/highlight.rb)
Emphasizes destinated elements.
frozenmark.rb? (misc/plugin/frozenmark.rb)
Indicates that the page is frozen (locked).
template.rb? (misc/plugin/template.rb)
Adds a feature to import template file on Edit menu.
for Introducing titles of CD, Books and etc.
cd.rb? (misc/plugin/cd.rb)
Creates links to CD/DVD web store according to the CD Standard Identification Number.
isbn.rb? (misc/plugin/isbn.rb)
Creates links to several online book stores according to the ISBN.
amazon.rb? (misc/plugin/amazon.rb)
Shows cover picture of BOOK/CD/DVD. Also supports Amazon Associates.
comment.rb (misc/plugin/comment.rb)
Adds forms to post a short comment.
bbs.rb? (misc/plugin/bbs.rb)
Adds forms like message board.
note.rb? (misc/plugin/note.rb)
Creates note pages independently for, memorandums, etc.
for Notificatoin
diffmail.rb? (misc/plugin/diffmail.rb)
Sends the diff texts to the Email address when Hiki page is edited.
rss.rb? (misc/plugin/rss.rb)
Feeds RSS.
Categorize, Search and Listing
search.rb (misc/plugin/search.rb)
Adds search forms.
recent? (plugin/00default.rb)
Lists recently edited pages.
recent2.rb? (misc/plugin/recent2.rb)
Lists recently edited pages in Rwiki way.
rank.rb? (misc/plugin/rank.rb)
Lists frequently visited
keyword.rb? (misc/plugin/keyword.rb)
Lists pages with keywords categorization.
category.rb? (misc/plugin/category.rb)
Lists pages with categorization.
orphan.rb? (misc/plugin/orphan.rb)
Lists orphaned pages. (No other page links to)
sitemap.rb? (misc/plugin/sitemap.rb)
Generates the Sitemap.
referer.rb? (misc/plugin/referer.rb)
Lists URL from which is refered.
readlirs.rb? (misc/plugin/readlirs.rb)
Reads and displays LIRS files.
rss-show.rb? (misc/plugin/rss-show.rb)
Shows RSS from specificated URL.
toc? (plugin/00default.rb)
Outputs a local table of contents on the head of the page.
toc_here? (plugin/00default.rb)
Outputs a local table of contents to any location on the page.
todo.rb? (misc/plugin/todo.rb)
Handles to-do lists. (hns compatibility)
show_plugins.rb (misc/plugin/show_plugins.rb)
Shows the list of enabled plugins.
append-css.rb? (misc/plugin/append-css.rb)
Allows to appends and edits arbitrary properties of CSS.
history.rb? (misc/plugin/history.rb)
Shows history of the page. Also rollbacks to historical revision and you can edit it.